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The Week in Chemistry: US PE sees increased international buying interest, PP inventories scant after high buying activity in March; robust PP demand in April and lower operating rates results in tighter market

KazMunayGas, Sibur and Sinopec in talks for PE production plant project with planned capacity of 1.25 million tons in Kazakhstan

Local PE prices in Argentina and Brazil decline amid cheaper imports, soft demand: ICIS

TriEnda discusses features, benefits and impact of the TriEnda One-Way Pallet, a single-use HDPE pallet; TriEnda says that unlike conventional wooden pallets, plastic pallets are lightweight, durable and resistant to various environmental conditions

Avient to showcase sustainable and high-performance thermoplastic elastomers and specialty engineered materials at Plastics and Rubber Thailand 2024; highlights include Syncure XLPE formulations, which offer heat resistance and flame retardancy

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