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Forest Carbon: Nature markets will face same obstacles voluntary carbon market has, with 'turbulent pattern' in corporate demand, pricing; media coverage of greenwashing, human rights abuse lead to fear of reputational risk of investing in carbon projects

UN approves grievance procedure for carbon market per Article 6.4 carbon crediting mechanism to prevent land grabs, abuses by project developers; in Uganda, villagers were allegedly denied access to a tree plantation’s land which they used to grow food

Commentary: Studies show many carbon credit programs are problematic, such as one that claims to save forests that aren't threatened; companies can most effectively fight global warming by directly reducing their emissions through renewables, conservation

MA H420: MA fashion sustainability bill promotes eco-friendly practices, supply chain transparency, and fair labor conditions in the fashion industry.

AIM - European Brands Assn. co-signs Joint Industry statement calling on the Council of the EU to ensure a predictable and workable framework for the Green Claims Directive

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