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Veolia North America LLC LinkedIn Roundup; covering conference participation, innovative environmental solutions, PFAS management, and public-private partnerships

Public hearing over Venator Chemicals' proposal for a chemical industrial waste landfill in Harrisburg, North Carolina, postponed to March, with town officials citing environmental and health concerns; Venator manufactures TiO2 pigments

US DOE awards US$101M to five projects that will establish test centers for carbon capture, removal and conversion technologies; centers to play crucial role in developing, deploying solutions to reduce emissions from power plants, industrial facilities

ETH Zurich develops new hygroscopic material from quarry waste that can be 3D printed and used in walls, ceilings to absorb moisture, regulate indoor humidity; passive dehumidification is more climate-friendly than conventional ventilation systems: study

Waste Connections halts operations at Chiquita Canyon Landfill in California; site handled 34% of Los Angeles County disposal volumes in 2023

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i2 [Sustainability]/Waste Management 203i2 [Sustainability]/Waste Management/Waste Management 173i2 [Sustainability]/Waste Management/Food Waste 18i2 [Sustainability]/Waste Management/Industrial Waste / Recycling 8i2 [Sustainability]/Waste Management/Waste to Energy 4Waste Managemen...Waste Managemen...Food WasteIndustrial Wast...Waste to Energyi2 [Sustainability]