Press Release

Industry Intelligence transforms internal culture, engages partners to build client-centric solutions

Yee-Wah Chow Sep 12, 2023 4 min read
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As we collect customer feedback daily, we recognize the importance of not just matching our content to each individual’s unique business role but also rethinking information access and sharing to remove as many pain points as possible.

No two information needs are alike. Some say it’s impossible to create a service that will satisfy everyone. But at Industry Intelligence, this very challenge inspires us to build the most client-centric information solutions. 

The following experience improvements are the direct results of working with our client-partners on solution designs: 


(1) Secure access without messy login

We revolutionize the client experience by eliminating the hassle of remembering site URLs or login credentials, and removing the need to register mobile phone number for authentication. Here’s how we're streamlining access without compromising security.

As MS Teams, SharePoint and Salesforce are among our clients’ most-used work tools, we offer to embed our customized intelligence in any of these secure locations. We also offer to supply market news to the client’s own Intranet. Each client-partner can select one or more destinations. The outcome? There’s no need to go outside one’s workflow to receive market updates. All of our empowered recipients can effortlessly access relevant intelligence within their familiar workspace at the highest level of security.  


(2) Intelligence dashboard that mirrors each client’s operational structure

If you choose MS Teams to be your destination site, an important benefit is having a setup with channels based on your company’s operational structure. We supply customized intelligence into each channel that corresponds to a business group, functional area or work team. This setup guarantees that all of your employees will receive market updates that are relevant to their work roles. 


(3) Instant sharing and collaboration: every day, every minute

For decades, business professionals have been relying on email to receive and share information. It is therefore common to see the same story circulating around the company as forwarded emails by a multitude of employees. 

By delivering our news to a collaboration platform, we ensure that your team members can spark spontaneous conversations based on important breaking news without the redundancy of email forwarding. Our client-partners often tell us that their work teams have become more engaged, more aligned, more collaborative since they started using Industry Intelligence embedded in their work platform. 


(4) No more cluttered inbox, lost email…

We often hear this pain point from our clients: a newsletter mysteriously disappears from their email inbox. The email could be buried in a cluttered inbox or automatically filed to a folder, or it could have been misidentified as spam… To serve you better, we eliminate the headache of searching through emails to find a lost newsletter. We offer to embed your daily newsletter in a destination site of your choice. You can open and read the newsletter within MS Teams, Salesforce, etc. 

It also means your team members won’t need to manage a buildup of voluminous email messages. Say ‘goodbye’ to time-consuming email processing with our new information delivery system. 


The future of client-centric intelligence in the age of AI


Imagine having an assistant who can proactively summarize market trends based on understanding what has been keeping you up at night and the potential solutions you are seeking.

At Industry Intelligence, we are doing extensive research to develop “personas” for major professional roles, such as CEO, CFO, COO, marketing executive, salesperson, R&D engineer, human resource director, DEI officer, sustainability manager, etc. These persona profiles will guide our efforts to design the next-generation market reports that are hyper-personalized for each role. Furthermore, our product development experts have been testing several prominent generative AI engines in the market. We are committed to providing highly-targeted intelligence by triangulating these AI engines, our persona library, and market news curated by our trusted industry experts. 


Building a client-centric culture within Industry Intelligence  


Technology alone does not deliver client-centric services. We use customer insights to form the blueprint for transforming our company. “We commit to retraining our entire workforce based on what the customers tell us,” said founder and CEO Rami Ghandour. “A deep understanding of each unique customer is the cornerstone of a client-centric culture. We will let our clients guide us in shaping our next product design.”

What will it take to have this transformation at Industry Intelligence? As a starter, we will be building internal tools that allow all employees to share knowledge about each client they know and chime in on emerging market trends that will likely impact the client. We will then use this understanding to shape our product development and client outreach strategies. 

At Industry Intelligence, our guiding principle remains: Technology + Human Expertise = Relevant Intelligence at Your Fingertips

We believe in investing in human expertise, which means rigorously and unceasingly educating our entire company about our markets and the clients we serve. 


We invite you to join us in revolutionizing the delivery of market intelligence with hyper-personalization. Contact us at to learn more. 




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